Environmental Policy

Sigma (Leeds) Ltd is committed to minimisation of environmental damage caused by the day to day running of the business, both at its head office and sites throughout the U.K. or various countries, when appropriate. Guidelines are in place for our suppliers, production, packaging, and disposal of its waste.

Responsibility for Environmental Issues

The Managing Director carries overall responsibility for Sigma environmental policy.

Interior Fit-out Processes

  1. All processes comply with current environmental regulations.
  2. All processes are reviewed in order to minimise environmental impact from noise, airborne and waterborne pollution.
  3. All necessary COSHH assessments are carried out and where required COSHH information is available.
  4. The fullest possible utilisation of wood is obtained. This entails the minimisation of waste via quality control procedures.
  5. All bespoke furniture suppliers to Sigma are actively encouraged to follow environmental best practice.
  6. Waste produced from sites is disposed of using a registered waste disposal company.

Site Works

As previous, all environmental concerns are similar except all waste would be disposed by using a registered waste disposal company


Packaging criteria works in two ways, cleanliness and protection of components, and we will eliminate unnecessary or over packaging.

Health and Safety

It is Sigma (Leeds) Ltd aim to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment, plant and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information,
training and supervision as is required for this purpose both at our head office and also out on site, commensurate with the appropriate Health and Safety legislation.


  1. Sigma will comply with the laws of the United Kingdom and of the countries within which it operates.
  2. Sigma will always consider the impact of any of its work within the locality.
  3. Noise, visual impact and traffic flow will be regularly reviewed to keep any disturbance to a minimum.
  4. This policy will be reviewed annually.

Environmental Purchasing Policy for Wood & Wood Products

Sigma (Leeds) Ltd under normal trading conditions would not purchase any wood products direct from their country of origin but would purchase from a third party, who themselves would deal directly with the various countries involved. However, as a company genuinely concerned with the global implications of the removal of resources that we ultimately use, we
require the following from our suppliers;

  1. We would seek to know the country of origin of any wood products purchased.
  2. We would seek evidence from our suppliers of good working practices, forest management, logging practices and conformity with forest laws of countries concerned.
  3. Within the confines of our clients’ requirements, we would support the concept, where applicable, of offering a wider variety of species when silviculturally and ecologically appropriate.
  4. We would expect our suppliers to actively support continuous forest management and work towards systems that trace sources, authenticate and certify wood from well-managed forests.
  5. Sigma acknowledges CITIES legislation and would work within its confines, explaining to clients its prohibitions and implications.
  6. Sigma has not used the term ‘sustainable’ timber because at this time there appears to be no internationally accepted definition. We will only accept evidence from suppliers on
    ‘well managed’ forests or credible timber certification schemes.
  7. Sigma acknowledges the work done by the Timber Trade Federation, Forests Forever and World Wildlife Fund.
  8. Sigma expects to annually review and extend this policy as a result of future recommendations from suppliers or other agencies involved.

Environment Commitment


Sigma (Leeds) Ltd will manage all of its activities to ensure they meet all relevant laws, regulations and standards concerning Environmental Protection. Wherever practicable the effects of those activities on the natural environment will be further reduced or eliminated altogether.

All practical steps will be taken to control the release or render harmless potential pollutants and ensure waste products are disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. Sigma (Leeds) Ltd will readily participate in dialogue with the legislative bodies, our own workforce and contractors, our customers and the general public and supply them with environmental information to ensure they are able to understand the environmental aspects of our operations.